The one who holds the stick directs the race.
Have you ever wondered why students only study to pass examinations?
Because our actions have told them so!
In the education system in Pakistan the stick is kept tightly in place by the examination boards. Their envisioned task is to assess learning, however what consequentially occurs, is a hijacked learning environment locked within the limited doors of examination.
The third wheel of educational tri-cycle is much more than a written examination – it encapsulates different mediums and actions through which learning undergoes ‘assessment’.
Assessment as a character both incentivizes and guides us. It places feedback at the driving seat within the learning framework, and thus encourages planning, dialogue and reflection among other attributes. In order to materialize the goals formulated in the driving wheel, the learning wheel creates environment for development of all – knowledge, skills and attitude, hence the assessment wheel must also stretch its arms to evaluate, measure and guide all components of learning.
‘ek nuqta’ designs and implements customized seminar, workshop and training on the following thematic areas and more under the Assessment wheel:
Designing a rubric
Orchestrating effective feedback
Putting MCQ thorough a litmus test
Should we and Can we assess skills and attitude
Developing questions across cognitive dimensions